Monday 3 January 2011

what a difference a week makes!

Well this time last week i thought i was nearly 11 weeks, was worrying about not seeing the midwife till 18th Jan, but then a thought popped into my head " if i go to a & e and say i fell on the ice and bled abit, would they scan me?" The answer of course is yes. So last Tuesday 28th me and Craig sat in a & e for 2 hours got checked over and was booked in for a scan on the Weds at 11:45. The only problem was Craig had to work :-( so instead i took my brother Adam along thinking it would give him an insight into what to expect with Milly. Also Weds morning the midwife rang and said she could see me that afternoon so bonus scan and midwife on the same day eek how excited was i!!!

Weds morning (Scan day) didn't sleep well as was too busy worrying about whether there would be anything wrong, felt so sick. Got to the Early pregnancy ward was taken to a room asked questions then back outside to wait for the ultra sound. I was constantly drinking water as i've always been aware that a full bladder helps see the baby better. In the scan room so so scared the nurse squirts on the gel and starts moving the scanner around pushing on my bladder "ouch" was dying for a wee and then she finds it my little bean lol, i say little bean because it turns out i'm only 6 1/2 weeks so there was hardly anything to see but it had a heartbeat and i was so happy i almost cried!! I was told my womb tilts backwards but it wasn't a problem so not to worry, a little information there i didn't no but it's good to know.

Midwife appointment later that afternoon at Warsop surgery, Craig was able to come with me as he finished at 2 appointment was at 2:45. Heather is the midwifes name really nice woman just chatted about me and Craig really just like a get to no you visit, gave me lots of info and my next appointment is 18th Jan were she'll take my bloods and other tests.

So now new years over thank god cos that was nothing to rave about and now i'm 7 weeks and 2 days!! Need to try and write more often but have been a little busy with new year and working. Hopefully get on and write more tomorrow xx

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