Thursday 20 January 2011

12 wk scan date whoop whoop!!!!

Well everyone at work knows now, so maybe it will stop them talking about me behind my back.

Had my second midwife appointment on Tuesday, wasn't worried about just a few tubes of blood to be taken ha that's a laugh dopey old me fainted i think it was because i hadn't had enough to eat. Felt like a rite plonker as i'm a blood donor so having my blood taken has never been an issue before oh well must remember next time to eat more food. We also talked about my 12 week scan eek she rang the hospital and booked it for Tuesday 8th Feb, Me and Craig are so excited were both gonna have the day off and probably go into town after to look at baby thing :-)

Nothing more to report so will write again soon xx

Monday 17 January 2011


Well was having a good day untill my boss from the shop rang and said he knows i'm pregnant so will not be training up for the new role grrrr it's not even the new role i'm fussed about it's just someone telling my business when they have no rite to.

Anyway changing the subject cos that just makes me angry and i need to calm down, got my next midwife appointment tomorrow morning looking forward to it cos hopefully i'll get a date for my 12 week scan eek at least then Craig will be able to see our ickle baby i just know ill cry the only reason i didn't cry last time was cos Adam was there and he'd just laugh at me.

My moods have been pretty bad over the last couple of weeks and i know i have not been nice to Craig but think i made it up to him this morning ;-) i've heard ppl say your sex drives goes up in the first part of pregnancy well mine has not if anything it's gone down wayyyyyy down poor Craig but he did get a little wake up call this morning, that might keep him happy for a week or two....

We've seen some nice houses and nice prices but i just don't think there's much point in looking until we've got some money saved up as in a few months time there could be completely different houses to rent, good to see what prices are like though. I'm loving the fact we have lots of people giving us household stuff already Craig's grandparenta are amazing they have loads for us even if it's not our taste we have to start somewhere!!

Oh lovely just had a text Craig's working late tonight probably till 8 :-(  missing him lots and want snuggles but have to think of the money! Money, Money, Money!!!!!!!!!!! Decided not to take any pics of me till 12 weeks so thats where i'll start, i'm a fat moose anyway so you probably won't tell till i'm like 40 weeks haha!!!

That's Life xx

Thursday 13 January 2011

Nearly 9 weeks

All I seem to do is work and when I'm not at work there seems to be something else that needs doing!! So because of this im always tired but who misses out Craig of course, I feel bad cos he gets no love and affection off me just nag nag moan moan or shut up will ya. Probably gonna be even more tired soon when I start my new role at work 6am starts but then once I'm trained up for that and get to my 12 weeks I can tell work that I'm pregnant. Then the fun will begin!!

Flu jab tomorrow not that it's very interesting or that I'm even fussed, needles aren't a big issue for me luckily just hope it's not true what they say " it gives you flu symptoms" cos can't be doing with that on top of being pregnant.. Gosh I've just realised all I do is moan about being pregnant i love it really think I'll feel better after my 12 week scan cos then it will feel real to me and Craig, I just can't wait to see his face when he sees his baby for the first time :-)

Think id better get gone since Craig went to bed half hour ago think he may already be snoring and slavering into his pillow lol a www he's so cute xx

Monday 10 January 2011

Save save save!!!

Things are starting to look up, consolidated some debts so I'm not paying out so much a month. Now it's time to save save save for our own place yay!! Been looking around for a place but it's not easy everywhere is so expensive especially meden vale, i was shocked how much it is round here. Cheaper to get a place in town but not so convenient for work hmmmm decisions decisions!

Me and mum went into town last Thursday just for a browse as she won't buy anything till after my 12 weeks, well nothing for the baby anyway as she bought me a pregnancy journal 15 quid (bloody hell) but I'm worth it :-). It was nice to look at all the baby things eekk how excited. I have decided what pushchair i want it's a mother care spin in orange it is beautiful and Craig likes it to which is a bonus not that it mattered lol what i want I'm getting haha.

Been so busy with work recently haven't updated much but im doing so many hours I'm dead on my feet, me and pregnancy don't match god especially the painful boobs I have never been in so much pain and it's constant 24/7 I hope it stops soon but have a feeling I'm gonna have to get used to it.

Was excited to hear my sister in law (Milly) was to have a scan today cos she looks big to say she's only suppose to be about 6 weeks but things are fine and she's just carrying a lot of water so she can stop worrying now....

Might get a pic on soon lol xx

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Worried, stressed and scared!!!

God why are things so complicated? Maybe I'm just having a bad week but everything seems to be getting on top of me. Hormonal or what!
No money, having a baby and nowhere to live can things get any worse, I feel like I'm pulling my hair out. So much to sort out but don't feel like I have any time to anything, working two jobs :-(

I'd really like to be able to enjoy my pregnancy but doesn't look like I'm going to be able too.

On a good note though I think mum is secretly excited as keeps slipping up and telling people, even though she knows not to lol tut tut mother!! I suppose it's nice really makes me feel a little bit better on how she feels. We're both off work tomorrow so I hope we can go into town and have a look and baby things :-)

Might get some pics on soon xx

Monday 3 January 2011

what a difference a week makes!

Well this time last week i thought i was nearly 11 weeks, was worrying about not seeing the midwife till 18th Jan, but then a thought popped into my head " if i go to a & e and say i fell on the ice and bled abit, would they scan me?" The answer of course is yes. So last Tuesday 28th me and Craig sat in a & e for 2 hours got checked over and was booked in for a scan on the Weds at 11:45. The only problem was Craig had to work :-( so instead i took my brother Adam along thinking it would give him an insight into what to expect with Milly. Also Weds morning the midwife rang and said she could see me that afternoon so bonus scan and midwife on the same day eek how excited was i!!!

Weds morning (Scan day) didn't sleep well as was too busy worrying about whether there would be anything wrong, felt so sick. Got to the Early pregnancy ward was taken to a room asked questions then back outside to wait for the ultra sound. I was constantly drinking water as i've always been aware that a full bladder helps see the baby better. In the scan room so so scared the nurse squirts on the gel and starts moving the scanner around pushing on my bladder "ouch" was dying for a wee and then she finds it my little bean lol, i say little bean because it turns out i'm only 6 1/2 weeks so there was hardly anything to see but it had a heartbeat and i was so happy i almost cried!! I was told my womb tilts backwards but it wasn't a problem so not to worry, a little information there i didn't no but it's good to know.

Midwife appointment later that afternoon at Warsop surgery, Craig was able to come with me as he finished at 2 appointment was at 2:45. Heather is the midwifes name really nice woman just chatted about me and Craig really just like a get to no you visit, gave me lots of info and my next appointment is 18th Jan were she'll take my bloods and other tests.

So now new years over thank god cos that was nothing to rave about and now i'm 7 weeks and 2 days!! Need to try and write more often but have been a little busy with new year and working. Hopefully get on and write more tomorrow xx

Monday 27 December 2010

Daydream Believer is no longer a daydreamer!!

Wow!!! One hell of a xmas this year, i'll get to the reason in a minute but just wanna tell you about my lovely xmas!!
We have some strange traditions in my mother's house were we have to wait for eveyone to be there to open presents and one by one in a circle we open them, 5 days later woop it's done. I do feel abit spoilt this year a wii and wii fit, straightners and a new phone to mention a few so thank you to my lovely family and friends.

On the whole pregnancy front well most of my family no now and Craig also told his Mum and Dad on xmas day which was nice they were really pleased and must of been straight on the phone to Craig's auntie's and uncle's aswell as grand parents because not long after we left i got a phone call from his auntie to tell me " i told you so". The reason for that was she saw a psychic earlier on in the year who said a family member would be having a baby which would be a beautiful boy born in the summer of next year. Spooky i'd say!!!!!! Will just have to wait and see whether she's right about it being a boy!

Well the most amazing thing happened on Boxing Day apart from my gorgeous sister in law Amelia or Milly to me and most others 21st birthday. I couldn't ask for a better sister in law she's kind, funny and she won't mind be saying so a little bit bonkers. But the best thing she is, is PREGNANT!!! Woop for the past 2 yrs milly and my brother Adam have been trying for a baby with no success she has been quite emotional about it but low and behold a miracle at the right time of year....

So excited i now have a baby buddy, someone i can get fat with, share all my baby issues with and also a family me and craig are gonna live with so our two babies can grow up together. I couldn't of wished for a better xmas ( well apart from the flu ).

Lv Me and X